Certification  TCO certified

衝突礦物政策Conflict Minerals Sourcing Policy

公司名稱Company : 沃特曼亞州分公司  Wortmann Aaia Branch
負責人Person in charge : 游志煌先生  Barry 
職稱Title:  Chairman
日期Date : 2015/11/1
Wortmann AG uses the following commitments
1. 不購買從衝突地區來的衝突礦物。
Not to purchase conflict minerals from mines in the Conflict Regions.
2. 要求供應商拒絕使用從衝突地區來的衝突礦物,及簽署無衝突礦產的承諾書。 
Request its suppliers to refuse to use Conflict Minerals from the Conflict Regions and present a signed letter of commitment 
3. 要求我司的供應商,需管理其上游及下游供應商,必須要遵循無衝突礦物的要求。 
Request its suppliers to notify their upstream/downstream suppliers to follow Minerals Conflict-Free requirements. 
4. 盡我司的最大努力對物料來源,拒絕使用從衝突地區來的衝突礦物。  
Continuing our industry leadership and our efforts to source conflict-free minerals from the DRC where possible.
Conflict minerals report

Conflict minerals report

Corporate Social Responsibility Report

Corporate Social Responsibility Report